All Episodes
# 478 Momentum
This is week 10 of our 12 week series called “What is Your Word?” This week’s word, momentum, was sent in by Sierra. Momentum begins with small steps. Even the tiniest acts of faith count. It’s not about...
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# 477 Simple Obedience
Simple Obedience
This week’s word, Simple Obedience, was sent in by Robyn. Obedience is one of those words that can sound harsh and demanding, depending on your upbringing and life experiences. Yet, with God, simple...
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# 476 Walk
This week’s word, walk, was sent in by Rebekah. Walking by faith means trusting God beyond what we see from our perspective, obeying without fully understanding, and moving forward with confidence because His...
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# 475 Exchange
This week’s word, exchange, was sent in by Jennie. Normally, when we think of an exchange, it is the version described in most dictionaries; “an act of giving one thing and receiving another (especially of...
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#474 Ready
The word ready was sent in by Paige. Readiness isn’t passive—it’s an active, faith-filled response to God’s call. As faith filled believers, we are supposed to live our lives in a perpetual state of readiness....
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#473 Illuminate
The word illuminate was sent in by Alexandra. I love how this word is associated to light; being able to see, going from darkness to light. God illuminate’s his guidance, truth and revelation to...
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# 472 Generosity
I tend to pay attention when things repeat themselves. Perhaps it is coincidence, or perhaps it is God trying to get my attention. This week’s word was sent in by two different people, Tamika and Becky, and...
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#471 Be Still
Be Still
This word is from a dear friend who I have the privilege of personal training. It is a joy to be able to work together with her on her physical body, talking about spiritual things at the same time. She had...
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#470 Joy
This is not manufactured happiness, instead this is the joy that comes from abiding in Christ. It is only in the presence of God we find fulness of joy. Not only are we filled with His joy, He himself is filled...
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#469 Gentleness
Gentleness or meekness is the opposite of self-assertiveness and self-interest. It stems from trust in God's goodness and control over the situation. The gentle person is not occupied with self at all. This...
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#468 Hâlal
The word halal is probably one of my favourite words for praise. It means to boast, celebrate, rave, shine, or be clamorously foolish! God has created us to live fully alive and to have his abundant life flowing...
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#467 Zâmar
Welcome to week 8 of our series on Worship.
There is a song within you that no one else can sing as an offering of praise to the Lord. Zâmar means to make music, to celebrate in song, to pluck the strings of a...
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