You Feed Them

Season #1 Episode #353

You Feed Them

The Miracles of Jesus

What is currently in your hands? When it seems like there is not enough, ask God how He would like to multiply it?

Though Jesus wanted solitude, when He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, and He healed the sick and the lame. At evening-time, Jesus’ disciples came to Him.

Disciples: We’re in a fairly remote place, and it is getting late; the crowds will get hungry for supper. Send them away so they have time to get back to the villages and get something to eat.

Jesus: They don’t need to go back to the villages in order to eat supper. Give them something to eat here.

Disciples: But we don’t have enough food. We only have five rounds of flatbread and two fish.

Jesus: Bring the bread and the fish to Me.

So the disciples brought Him the five rounds of flatbread and the two fish, and Jesus told the people to sit down on the grass. He took the bread and the fish, He looked up to heaven, He gave thanks, and then He broke the bread. Jesus gave the bread to the disciples, and the disciples gave the bread to the people; everyone ate and was satisfied. When everyone had eaten, the disciples picked up 12 baskets of crusts and broken pieces of bread and crumbs. There were 5,000 men there, not to mention all the women and children.

- Matthew 14:14-21 VOICE

This amazing miracle is also recorded in Mark 6:30-44 NLT, Luke 9:10-17 NASB, John 6:1-14 NKJV.

What is Jesus revealing to you about who He is through these scriptures? Blessing you this week to have eyes to see not what is missing, but what is right there in your hands.

Thank You!

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