Providing Nourishment

Season #1 Episode #176

God: Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows on the earth and every fruit-bearing tree. They will be your food and nourishment. As for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and every small creeping creature—everything that breathes the breath of life—I have given them every green plant for food.

And it happened just as God said. Then God surveyed everything He had made, savoring its beauty and appreciating its goodness. Evening gave way to morning. That was day six.” - Genesis 1:29-31 (VOICE)

God provides for all our needs; not a single thing left out or forgotten. What is the Holy Spirit revealing to you about the character and nature of God?

We're blessing you to sit back, relax, and receive all that our Father wants to give us today, and everyday of our lives. Enjoy!

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