You Are Beautiful and Good

Season #1 Episode #171

God: "Let the waters below the heavens be collected into one place and congregate into one vast sea, so that dry land may appear."

It happened just as God said. God called the dry land "earth" and the waters congregated below "seas." And God saw that His new creation was beautiful and good.

God: "Earth, sprout green vegetation! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants and all sorts of fruit-bearing trees."

It happened just as God said. The earth produced vegetationā€”seed-bearing plants of all varieties and fruit-bearing trees of all sorts. And God saw that His new creation was beautiful and good. Evening gave way to morning. That was day three. - Genesis 1:9-13 (VOICE)

God's creative power is vast and awe inspiring. From the smallest molecule to the ends of the universe, He created it all.

What is God creating in you? What beautiful, awe-inspiring wonder is being formed within you, His masterpiece, right now?

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