Cultivate Connection - Christ Centred Meditation

Cultivate Connection - Christ Centred Meditation

Hosted by: Amy Chapoton

Welcome to Cultivate Connection, a weekly Bible-based meditation podcast, giving you the skills to carve out space, experience peace, and grow your relationship with God. Each 30 minute podcast provides you with...


Embrace - What is Your Word?

Season #1 Episode #326

EmbraceWhat is Your Word?Have you ever hugged someone whose arms hang limp as if trying to ward off your affection? Let us not respond to the embrace of God’s word the same Don’t just listen to the Word of Truth and...
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Light - What is Your Word?

Season #1 Episode #325

LightWhat is Your Word?God's light fills the whole earth. Blessing you to shine brightly as He guides your steps. No longer will you need the sun to shine by day,nor the moon to give its light by night,for the Lord...
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Perspective - What is Your Word?

Season #1 Episode #324

PerspectiveWhat is Your Word?A new position provides a new perspective, and what better position than being seated with Christ in Heavenly places. Thank you to Susi for sending in this week's word. Thanks Susi! But...
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Abide - What is Your Word?

Season #1 Episode #323

AbideWhat is Your Word?Welcome to week 3 of our 12 week series. This week’s word is Abide, and was sent in by Trina on Instagram. Thanks Trina!God is calling you to abide in Him, and as you allow the vinedresser to...
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Receive - What is Your Word?

Season #1 Episode #322

ReceiveWhat is Your Word?This week’s word was sent in by Sherry. Receive is a verb, an action word with many meanings.  Mostly, it involves taking in and accepting something. One definition is to give permission to...
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Flourish - What is Your Word?

Season #1 Episode #321

FlourishWhat is Your Word?Our first word for 2022 was sent in by Barb and it is the word flourish. God isn't wanting us just to be happy, He desires us to flourish! It is an active word, it is overflowing. Barb shared...
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Light Overcomes Darkness

Season #1 Episode #320

Light Overcomes DarknessSometimes, victory goes to the wicked. At least that’s the way it seems when we look through our own eyes, relying on our own understanding. Isn’t it interesting how 2,500 years since David put...
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Courage to Expect

Season #1 Episode #319

Courage to ExpectDo you believe God is going to show up for you? When hard circumstances stand in your path, do you meet them with a mindset of encouragement? Wait for and confidently expect the Lord;Be strong and let...
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Confident in God’s Love and Power

Season #1 Episode #318

Confident in God’s Love and PowerGod’s hope never leads to disappointment. When we walk in the confidence which is rooted in His love, we cannot help but be contagious, instilling hope in those around us.  I would...
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Breathe In Breathe Out

Season #1 Episode #317

Breathe In Breathe OutAdopted as sons and daughters, you are on this planet to release God’s kingdom. May He fill you to overflowing, blessing all who encounter you. Although my father and my mother have abandoned...
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An Invitation

Season #1 Episode #316

An InvitationIs there an area in your life you need to cry out to the Lord? Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud;Be gracious and compassionate to me and answer me.When You said, “Seek My face [in prayer, require My presence...
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I Will Sing

Season #1 Episode #315

I Will SingWill you choose to enter into the house of the Lord? To seek refuge from the storms of life. To sit in a place of peace in His presence. It is one of His greatest gifts to us. His house is my shelter and...
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