Cultivate Connection - Christ Centred Meditation

Cultivate Connection - Christ Centred Meditation

Hosted by: Amy Chapoton

Welcome to Cultivate Connection, a weekly Bible-based meditation podcast, giving you the skills to carve out space, experience peace, and grow your relationship with God. Each 30 minute podcast provides you with...


Don't Fear A Thing

Season #1 Episode #183

Welcome to week five of our 11 week series meditating on Psalm 91. This week we focus on Psalm 91:5-6 (TPT). You are His beloved, and because of that you don't need to fear a thing. What fearful thoughts have you been...
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Hiding in His Majesty

Season #1 Episode #182

Become a Patron The Cultivate Connection podcast has been downloaded nearly 500,000 times and counting! If Cultivate Connection has blessed you, please consider becoming a monthly patron. Your generosity helps us to...
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Rescued and Protected

Season #1 Episode #181

Here we are, week three of our 11 week series meditating on Psalm 91. This week we focus on Psalm 91:3 (TPT), basking in the truth that God rescues us from every single trap of the enemy.  No matter where you are or...
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The Hope That Holds

Season #1 Episode #180

Welcome to part two of our 11 week series meditating on Psalm 91:2 (TPT), an amazing source of truth and encouragement for all of us. It's just that good. Let's spend this week together learning why He is our greatest...
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Hidden in God's Strength

Season #1 Episode #179

Welcome to a brand new series, we're excited to have you here with us. Over these next few weeks we're meditating on Psalm 91, an amazing source of truth and encouragement for all of us. When you sit enthroned under...
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Creation Story

Season #1 Episode #178

Welcome to the end of our journey through God's creation. This week recaps the entire account, from beginning to end. Genesis 1:1-2:3 (VOICE) What stirs within as you sit and meditate on the story of God's creative...
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Sacred Zone of Sabbath Keeping

Season #1 Episode #177

So now you see how the Creator swept into being the spangled heavens, the earth, and all their hosts in six days. On the seventh day—with the canvas of the cosmos completed—God paused from His labor and rested. Thus...
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Providing Nourishment

Season #1 Episode #176

God: Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows on the earth and every fruit-bearing tree. They will be your food and nourishment. As for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and every small...
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Created in His Image

Season #1 Episode #175

God: Now let Us conceive a new creation—humanity—made in Our image, fashioned according to Our likeness. And let Us grant them authority over all the earth—the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, the...
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Earth, Generate Life

Season #1 Episode #174

God: Earth, generate life! Produce a vast variety of living creatures—domesticated animals, small creeping creatures, and wild animals that roam the earth. It happened just as God said. God made earth-creatures in a...
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Fill the Seas, Cover the Earth

Season #1 Episode #173

God: Waters, swarm with fish and sea creatures. Let birds soar high above the earth in the broad expanse of sky. So God created huge sea creatures, all the swarm of life in the waters, and every kind and species of...
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Lights, Come Out

Season #1 Episode #172

God: "Lights, come out! Shine in the vast expanse of heavens’ sky dividing day from night to mark the seasons, days, and years. Lights, warm the earth with your light." It happened just as God said. God fashioned the...
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