Cultivate Connection - Christ Centred Meditation

Cultivate Connection - Christ Centred Meditation

Hosted by: Amy Chapoton

Welcome to Cultivate Connection, a weekly Bible-based meditation podcast, giving you the skills to carve out space, experience peace, and grow your relationship with God. Each 30 minute podcast provides you with...


Happy Birthday

Season #1 Episode #88

The moment we took our first breath is a moment none of us can remember. This is the same moment He takes great delight in. He thought of you before the creation of the world. He knew you before you were even formed...
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Divine Protection Divine Guideance

Season #1 Episode #87

He preserves you from trouble and surrounds you with songs of deliverance. Our breakthroughs are experienced within the secret hiding place He provides for us. I pray that you would come to know the divine protection...
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Weakness to Strength

Season #1 Episode #86

I hope you are enjoying the beginnings of this new year. Whether or not you've made New Years resolutions, we can all relate to the feelings of failure. Failures of all sorts can bring us down, causing us to feel...
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Receive Your Breakthrough

Season #1 Episode #85

Happy New Year! I'm excited to bring you the first meditation of 2017. This is going to be a year of breakthrough. Ask Holy Spirit to show you where He has breakthrough for you.  I pray this meditation ministers...
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You are an Original

Season #1 Episode #84

When we choose to live a life led of the Spirit, the fruit of such a life is as unique as a snowflake. No two look the same. Draw closer to Him today receiving all that He has for you, and in doing so be transformed...
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Awaken My Heart

Season #1 Episode #83

A lot can go wrong when we're not paying attention which is why Paul said "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Take time this week to ask God to awaken your heart so that your...
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A Son Named Jesus

Season #1 Episode #82

Was it not enough for God to create the universe and place us in it? Was it not enough that He created us in His very image? Where those not enough that God choose to come down in flesh and humility, dwelling amongst...
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What Is Your Value?

Season #1 Episode #81

When we see God rightly and understand the truth of who He is, all of our preconceived notions of who we are blown away. The truth of your value can only be found in Him. May His fullness of joy surround you today as...
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Are You A Majestic One

Season #1 Episode #80

Some of us have forgotten who we are. While we've run after the wrong things we've run away from the most important thing, God. Hit the reset button today. He's calling us back to be His majestic ones in whom He...
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Experience God's Presence

Season #1 Episode #79

Each of us need direction in our lives. Luckily for us God is our counselor who even instructs us in our sleep. You are never out of His sight and He is never unavailable. Let His truth wash over you today as He...
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Your Destiny Matters

Season #1 Episode #78

What did David see that we don't see? To sing that God is his prize, his pleasure, and his portion. What did he believe that we don't? To understand his would be a delightful inheritance.  God has truly given the best...
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Goodness is Within You

Season #1 Episode #77

An artist is just finishing. Dipping their brush one last time to sign their work, they set the brush down. Stepping back they admire their masterpiece from a distance. They've put their heart and soul into this work....
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